Hello Students!

Welcome to the band page we will be using for learning how to play trumpet this year! I will be updating this as we go along so be sure to check back here for anything you might need.


Before we begin to play, we need to go over some basic elements that go into playing a brass instrument:

  1. We need to remember we are playing a brass WIND instrument – which means we need to take a big breath every time we go to play our instrument.
    1. In order to take a good breath, it is wise to practice breathing IN for 4 beats and then OUT for 4 beats. Repeat.
    1. Practice just blowing air through the trumpet.
    1. Posture is very important! Be sure to sit up straight with both feet flat on the floor at all times.
  2. The trumpet is made up of two basic components:
    1. The Mouthpiece
    1. The Trumpet
  3. The air we breathe in is then used to vibrate the lips inside the mouthpiece and the sound from there is “amplified” by the trumpet.
  4. Always make sure you are holding the instrument properly (we will go over this many times in class).
  5. Lastly, have fun! Learning a musical instrument can be one of the most challenging and also the most rewarding experiences you can have in school.

High/Low Note

Here are a couple of clips to demonstrate the two notes we know so far (remember, we are not using any valves yet):

You will hear 4 “clicks” before each note is played:

  • Think about what we need to do to switch from these two notes
  • Try holding them for as long as possible ( we call these “Long Tones”)
  • Finally, try articulating/tonguing each by saying “TAH”


Great class today! Here are some notes:

Today we learned a few note names (remember: the musical alphabet only goes from A – G).

As of now we know: C (0) / E (1&2)/ G(0)

I have recorded below what each note sounds like so you have a reference. Try doing the following:




Also try doing long tones on each note.

Please check out #17 “Hot Cross Buns.” We will continue to go over this song in class but for now try to play along with the track I have linked below. You should be able to download it as well.

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